Connect with Dr. Dayn Boitet DDS Dentist in Fleming Island, FL

Dr. Dayn Boitet DDS - Dentist

3.0 based on 2 reviews

1 Rating out of 5 stars

(904) 264-6700

Fleming Island, FL

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Dr. Dayn Boitet Rating 3.0 stars based on 2 reviews $$$
Health Spa Facilities
Poor Service
Painless Procedures
Average Results
Expensive Cost
Read Reviews for Dr. Dayn Boitet
Review 1 by Stars: 2.5 on Link
I sent my mother to Dr Boitet as I had heard good things. She is 81 years old and on a limited income. She needed to have her front teeth bonded so he ordered a bonding agent that cost her $1500. and it only lasted 6 MONTHS. She went back and he charged her another $663. that day and applied a bonding agent himself. Which he said was his cost only so he made no money. I am appalled as a daughter who is trying to help her mother who lives on a fixed income and here she has paid out over $2100 for a procedure that she had done once before in Atlanta by a Dr Shapiro and it lasted 15 years. I think Dr Boitet should not have charged her a dime to replace the first one. Either he did not apply it right the first time or it was defective. I don't know but this was not right. We will not go back again.

I know this doctor: 6 months

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Review 2 by Stars: 4.0 on Link
I am new to the area and asked a coworker to recommend a dentist. Her recommendation was Dr. Boitet. I made an appointment to see him and had a pleasant and very good dental experience. Before going ahead with the appointment, I requested that they check to make sure they took my insurance. I checked six times, enough to begin to annoy the lady I was asking. I explained I had limited money and I couldn't afford to pay for all the work needed without my insurance and had been told the doctors who took it changed frequently. I was assured that they indeed took my insurance. After having my crown installed a week later, I was informed they did not take my insurance and the @ 500.00 I had already paid was not enough, I had to pay an additional 900.00 + dollars. That completely destroyed the funds I had determined to use to fix my teeth. Long story short, I had to pay the bill, I did not have the money to fix my other teeth, even with insurance, and now a year later I am in a worse position. The work done was excellent. The customer service cost me nearly a grand. I would have gone somewhere else if I had known I had to pay for it out of pocket.
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