Connect with Dr. Donna Coppola DDS Dentist in Milford, PA

Dr. Donna Coppola DDS - Dentist

2.0 based on 1 reviews

1 Rating out of 5 stars

(570) 296-2259

Milford, PA

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Dr. Donna Coppola Rating 2.0 stars based on 1 reviews $$$
Comfortable Facilities
Poor Service
Painful Procedures
Poor Results
Expensive Cost
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Read Reviews for Dr. Donna Coppola
Review 1 by Stars: 2.0 on Link
The dentist was in the room for an entire 5 minutes. She didn't know how to turn on the equipment in the room. Her assistant used fowl language and had to take the xray numerous times because she didn't place it right the first 3 times finally saying, "good enough, if she doesn't like it she can take it herself" the dentist said I would have to come back for another consult, doing nothing for me. Waste of 150 bucks. Very unfriendly and did not answer questions. I left with more paint then I went in with. The dentist was rough, uncaring and insensitive. I will never go back.

About Front Desk: The front desk was friendly at first but did not read nor enter information I was required to fill out properly. Then when I was leaving she very loudly said something so the entire waiting room turned and looked at me. Quite embarrassing and could have been avoided if she would have read the pages of info I was required to fill out. I will never go back.

Front desk:

My Experience: Exam & Consultation, X-Rays

Duration: 5 minutes

I know this doctor: 1 month

Agree 0 Disagree 2 Agree 0 Disagree 2
Smiling Patient dislikes Dr. Donna Coppola
Terrible on April 27, 2015, 2:51 p.m. Link
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