Connect with Dr. Arville krause DDS Dentist in Kalamazoo, MI

Dr. Arville krause DDS - Dentist

1.0 based on 1 reviews

1 Rating out of 5 stars

Kalamazoo, MI

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Dr. Arville krause Rating 1.0 stars based on 1 reviews $$$
Modest Facilities
Poor Service
Painful Procedures
Poor Results
Expensive Cost
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Smiling Patient dislikes Dr. Arville krause
Terrible on March 2, 2018, 4:02 a.m. Link
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Review 1 by Stars: 1.0 on Link
Very arrogant man I saw a patient that was handed her denture by the front desk worker in a plastic bag full of liquid and was tole to put in in the waiting room was full of other patient How unprofessional She was clearly upset She should have had a private chair in the back for this delivery there is a tacky sign in the entranced that says you will be charged 75 dols for a missed appt This women should be given 75dols as he missed her appt VERY UNPROFFESIONAL

I know this doctor: 1 year

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