I had a HORRIBLE experience there and would never wish this dentist on anyone! She told me that if I didn't buy and use a particular home kit, that I would lose my teeth by the time I was 40. I am 38 have not lost any teeth, plus my new dentist does not share Dr. Liberman's assessment. I specifically choose her because "1(800)dentist" told me that she was the only female dentist in my area that accepted my insurance at the time. She host many other dentist and assistants in her office and for my visit she only reviewed the xray results and I ended up being treated by a male hygenist. A male dentist in her office was trying to fill my cavities and had to inject me 7 TIMES just to numb me! On top of that when i received my bill, they charged me for 2 white fillings (that were actually silver). When i called to complain they told me to come in to change the silver for white because they had already billed for them, but that i needed to pay for any anethesia. This was their remedy for their mistake..for me to go through un-neccessary dental work for their billing mistake. Outrageous!All that after they threatened to send me to collections for a final bill when I never even received the initial bill. It was a complete nightmare!