I took all three of my children for a cleaning and exam. The Dr. Donohue was very polite and friendly. His dental hygienist was wonderful and informative. The children and I were very happy in every which way with our first visit.
My second appointment for my son a week later was a nightmare. I took my son Richard for a filling and several sealants. Again Dr. Donohue was very nice, however, the person assisting him was not friendly, nor gentle with my son. I left my sons side and waited in the lobby. An hour later my son came out with the work I requested plus 4 extractions that were not approved by me and which we was not needing done until 3 or 4 months later. Needless to say I was in shock to see my son with his mouth full of bloody gauze.
Dr. Donohue and his staff would not apologize for their errors. I never approved any extractions or payment since in was never scheduled. Dr. Donohue said it was not a big deal since it would eventually have to be done.
My poor son sat in the dental chair expecting a shot or two for his filling and sealants and instead had several shots, nitrous gas, and 4 extractions. Dr. Donohue sent us home without an apology, or proper follow-up instructions, and never checked